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Nicetown and Tioga Greening Plan

phs northphilly cleanup

Increasing Job Opportunities

Residents identified the need for both short-term, quick-paying entry-level jobs and long-term gainful employment. Here are two programs currently happening in Nicetown and Tioga.

Same-Day Work and Pay

Through the Same Day Work and Pay program, PHS partners with community organizations to employ under and unemployed Philadelphians to perform daily work assignments such as clearing vacant lots, cleaning street corridors, and completing other community improvement tasks. Participants receive $100 per day and are paid on-site where they can also connect with social services support.   

Two of our leading partners in the program are Nicetown CDC and Tioga United.  

Program Results As of January 2024:

  • Nicetown CDC created 1,021 daily jobs between September 2022 through January 2024.
  • Tioga United created 1,065 daily jobs between September 2022 through January 2024.
  • 145 daily jobs per month were created between Tioga United and Nicetown CDC. 

Our communities become cleaner, greener, and more welcoming following a program workday! Learn more and sign up today.


Workforce Development

In addition, PHS also runs green industry workforce development programs offering training in the following areas:  

  • Basic horticulture and ecology 
  • Landscape maintenance & tree care 
  • Equipment operation and safety 
  • Light carpentry and masonry 
  • Green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) 

This March, PHS is bringing our paid, six-week ($450 per week) job training to Nicetown and Tioga! Do you know someone looking for a job opportunity? Participants will take part in classroom and hands-on training in basic ecology, landscape maintenance, and tool and equipment operation. Additional workshops in job readiness will also be included in the training. Upon completion, trainees will graduate and be placed in full-time jobs with long-term potential within PHS’s network of employer partners. 

Explore how PHS is increasing economic opportunities throughout the region with our Workforce Development Programs.