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Nicetown and Tioga Greening Plan


A Community-Driven Greening Plan for Nicetown and Tioga

The Nicetown and Tioga greening plan is the product of many hours of community-driven work to articulate a green vision for both the Nicetown and Tioga neighborhoods, rooted in the aspirations of community members themselves. PHS, Nicetown CDC, and Tioga United led the planning process.  With feedback from over 400 residents, the community established these four neighborhood priorities: 

  • Reduce trash and litter 
  • Increase access to fresh healthy food 
  • Reduce crime 
  • Increase job opportunities 

As identified by the plan’s own “Green Team,” the plan will focus on these strategies over the next three years:  

  • Clean and green all eligible vacant lots 
  • Train and place neighborhoods residents in green jobs 
  • Restore neighborhood tree canopy 
  • Mobilize neighbors and businesses to increase access to fresh food 
  • Support residents to garden and beautify their blocks 

Learn about the Greening Plan

Greening Plan Fact Sheet for Nicetown and Tioga

3-Year Greening Plan for Nicetown and Tioga

Thank You to our Funders

Funding for creating the plan and its first steps has been provided by the City of Philadelphia Division of Housing and Community Development, the US Environmental Protection Agency, Independence Foundation, the Philadelphia City Council, Vistra, Robin Potter (former chair, PHS Board of Directors), Peter Gould, Toba and Lawrence Kerson, Anne Stokes Hochberg, The Leslie Miller and Richard Worley Foundation, the Frank L. Coulson and Sarah Miller Coulson Foundation, the Anne G. Miller Trees Endowment, the Armstrong Foundation, the Leo Model Foundation, National Fair Housing Alliance, the Burpee Foundation, and the Joan M. Wismer Foundation. 

Make an Impact in Nicetown and Tioga.