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PHS News

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    PHS News
    The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society’s Pop Up Gardens and Public Gardens and Landscapes are a Heatwave Haven this Summer!
    July 29, 2024

    leaf icon public gardens and landscapes

    leaf icon phs pop up gardens

    PHS News
    Pennsylvania Horticultural Society’s Workforce Development Program Graduates 51 Philadelphia Residents with Barriers to Employment
    June 21, 2024

    leaf icon workforce development

    leaf icon landcare

    PHS News
    PHS's Public Gardens and Landscapes are Beginning to Bloom Across the Philadelphia Region
    April 18, 2024

    leaf icon public gardens and landscapes

    PHS News
    Pennsylvania Horticultural Society Opens PHS Meadowbrook Farm on April 13
    April 01, 2024

    leaf icon phs meadowbrook farm

    leaf icon public gardens and landscapes

    PHS News
    Top Gardening Trends for 2024
    December 04, 2023

    leaf icon public gardens and landscapes

    PHS News
    Enjoy a "Seek and Stroll" Walking Tour This Fall
    September 25, 2023

    leaf icon public gardens and landscapes

    PHS News
    Logan Square's Gardens to Feature 110,000 Tulip Bulbs this Spring
    April 18, 2023

    leaf icon public gardens and landscapes

    PHS News
    PHS Opens PHS Meadowbrook Farm on April 15
    April 12, 2023

    leaf icon public gardens and landscapes

    PHS News
    PHS Announces 2023 Gold Medal Plant Winners
    April 03, 2023

    leaf icon gold medal plants

    leaf icon public gardens and landscapes

    PHS News
    70,000 Rainbow-Colored Bulbs in Philadelphia’s Logan Square This Spring
    April 05, 2022

    leaf icon gardens to visit

    leaf icon public gardens and landscapes
