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Venango Street Blossoms: A Tapestry of Front Porch Gardens Woven by Community Spirit

July 11, 2024

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LWYL Front Porch Challenge 2024

By Melissa O’Brien 

The "Love Where You Live” Front Yard/Porch Challenge isn't just about creating beautiful gardens; it's about cultivating a sense of community pride and ownership. In Nicetown and Tioga, PHS works alongside residents to transform blocks into vibrant green spaces, fostering a love for gardening and promoting a cleaner, safer neighborhood. This year, the 2000 block of Venango Street became a shining example of this transformation, with a remarkable 100% participation rate in the second annual Front Yard/Porch Challenge as a part of PHS’s Nicetown and Tioga “Love Where You Live” greening plan

There was a total of 63 participants in this year’s challenge (nearly double from last year!). The competition rallies residents to beautify their front yards and porches, while also increasing access to fresh food through container gardening. Participants receive all the materials needed to compete, including big pots, self-watering EarthBox container gardens, transplants of flowers and herbs, potting soil, fertilizer, and tools like a hand trowel and watering can. Judging focuses on aesthetics, plant health, and social connections to family and community, and prizes are awarded accordingly. 

LWYL front porch challenge winner 2024
First place winner Verona Davis shows off her African-inspired garden design.

Bringing Africa Home to North Philly 

For resident and first-place prize winner Verona Davis, the challenge ignited her childhood passion for gardening. Memories of tending plants alongside her parents bloomed anew, pushing her to participate for the second year in a row. “I love when the block looks so beautiful, everyone gets involved, and people stop by to admire the beautiful flowers,” she says. 

Inspired by a recent trip to Africa, Verona's porch became a vibrant homage to the continent. Lush greenery, pops of color from African violets, and towering banana plants whispered tales of faraway lands. The backdrop, adorned with an African-inspired design, and flags from various countries, completed this captivating cultural tapestry. 

lwyl front porch challenge garden 2024
Resident Pearl Fletcher created a tropical garden paradise and encouraged her neighbors to get involved.

A Champion for Tropical Colors and Neighborly Encouragement 

Pearl Fletcher, who grew up on the 2000 Block of Venango St. and currently lives across the street from the house she grew up in, couldn't resist the allure of the vibrant canna lilies offered by PHS this year for the Front Yard/Porch Challenge. For her front yard, she envisioned a tropical paradise and meticulously crafted a lush display brimming with bright colors inspired by the Carribean.  

But Pearl's passion extends beyond her own garden. A natural encourager, she finds immense joy in motivating others to keep the neighborhood looking as beautiful as it did when her dad was the Block Captain for many years. “I love getting new people involved, especially kids and the younger generation,” says Pearl. Her infectious enthusiasm has undeniably played a key role in 100% of the families on the block participating in the Front Yard/Porch challenge this year.  

lwyl front porch challenge pride garden
The challenge brings neighbors together as they share gardening tips and lend a helping hand to one another.

A Shared Journey and Lasting Legacy 

Both Verona and Pearl acknowledge the challenges presented by the scorching summer heat. Yet, they highlight the supportive spirit that defines the 2000 block of Venango St. Residents readily share tips, offer encouragement, and lend a helping hand, fostering a collaborative and positive atmosphere. This spirit of camaraderie makes the journey, from planting to judging, not just a competition but a shared experience. 

The Front Yard/Porch Challenge's impact extends far beyond the judging day. The neighborhood has been transformed into an urban oasis and a source of pride for residents. Pearl says, “Everyone that comes down our street loves it, and the neighbors are already looking forward to next year.” The challenge has also ignited a passion for gardening, with residents vowing to nurture their displays and continue sharing their love of plants throughout the year. 

lwyl front porch challenge 2024 gardens
The 2000 block of Venango St. stands as a testament to the transformative power of PHS’s work in Nicetown and Tioga.

Cultivating Community, One Beautified Block at a Time 

"I’m really happy that PHS has taken an interest in uplifting the communities in Philadelphia that are often overlooked,” says Pearl of her North Philly neighborhood. Her heartfelt appreciation for PHS's focus on underserved communities echoes the true essence of the Front Yard/Porch Challenge. It's more than just beautification; it's about fostering a sense of shared purpose, strengthening community bonds, and cultivating a love for green spaces. The 2000 block of Venango St. stands as a testament to the transformative power of PHS’s work in Nicetown and Tioga, a vibrant tapestry woven by the threads of creativity, collaboration, and a shared love for gardening. 

Learn more about the Greening Plan and how you can make an impact in Nicetown and Tioga.