PHS Tree Tenders is at the forefront of the urban tree movement across the country. PHS works to train hundreds of new Tree Tenders every year. They go on to form groups in their neighborhoods that transform the health and well-being of their communities by rallying neighbors to plant and care for trees. See how you can get involved in planting trees in your neighborhood today.
We need help each April and November! Join PHS to plant thousands of trees in neighborhoods and towns throughout Southeastern PA.
No prior planting experience or tools are needed. Training is provided on-site.
Help PHS with the tree delivery, sorting, and distribution to community groups. Use the link below to sign up and volunteer shift. Contact us at for help with registering.
Find a tree planting near you. Use the map below to find a planting event near you. Click on any location for time and planting spot, follow the link, or reach out to the contact provided.
Take a PHS Tree Tenders Basic Training Class. Register below for an in-person or virtual class. For information on scholarships contact our Tree Tenders team at:
Once you’ve become a Tree Tenders graduate, find a local Tree Tenders group in your neighborhood to join. Use our map to begin your search. Find a Tree Tenders group near me.
Don’t see a group in your neighborhood? Start a new Tree Tenders group! You only need three Tree Tenders graduates to make a group. The rest can be volunteers.
Get planting! PHS does two (2) plantings per year for groups to take part in: one in April and one in November. Learn more on our Get a Tree page.
Want to participate in a PHS tree planting, but haven’t taken the Tree Tenders course yet? No problem! There are still plenty of ways to plant a tree with PHS.
Join PHS Tree Tenders in planting nearly 2,000 trees every April and November in the Philadelphia region -- or help your local Tree Tenders group with summer tree monitoring or care throughout the year.
Through the Tree Tenders initiative, PHS collaborates with community partners to grow and steward tree canopy in neighborhoods and towns across the Philadelphia region and helps promote healthier, cooler, and greener communities.
Get updates on our upcoming tree planting by signing up at the link below with your email.
Connect with a local Tree Tenders group to help prune and take care of trees in your neighborhood or community. Volunteers can help track and collect tree health data as part of our annual summer Tree Checkers program for recently planted trees. No experience necessary. Training will be provided. The link to a map of current Tree Tender groups is above in step two (2) of how to become a Tree Tender.
Arborists can volunteer with Tree Tenders in the Greater Philadelphia Region and throughout Pennsylvania.
For more information, contact the area closest to you.
Philadelphia region (Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery counties)
PHS Tree Tenders
The rest of Pennsylvania
DCNR Urban and Community Forestry
Questions? Contact the PHS Trees Team.