By Sally McCabe, PHS Associate Director of Community Education
Every winter I succumb to more than a touch of cabin fever. I MISS MY GARDEN! With that comes the craving for green things to see, to smell, to touch, and even to taste. My space quickly fills with houseplants and blooming bulbs; I can see and touch and maybe even smell, but I’m probably not going to eat any of that.
What about a windowsill herb garden? It checks all the boxes: fresh! green! tasty! healthful! In years past I have planted small pots and window boxes of mixed herbs from seed (thyme, cilantro, oregano, mint, and some chives in the corner) indoors. Everything came up eventually and grew for a little bit. But I always forgot to water somewhere along the line, and plants stretched toward the inadequate sunlight. I also got soil gnats. RIP herbs.
What if I could hire a robot to automate all of that for me?
Enter the indoor hydroponic unit. It feeds, waters, has its own lights, and fits just about anywhere.
So I started looking into small indoor hydroponics--compact systems designed to grow plants without soil, typically using water-based solutions enriched with nutrients. They feed, they water, they fit just about anywhere. The ones I interviewed had their own light units, which meant I could put them anywhere, so I could still share the windowsills with the cats.
Here’s what I found when I started doing my homework:
Hydroponic setups are a lot like inkjet printers; you invest in a quality setup, and then you're constantly buying supplies—like nutrient solutions for the hydroponics or ink cartridges for the printer. The ongoing cost can be surprisingly high!
Facebook Marketplace had about a gazillion setups available for pretty cheap. Not all were new, and I got the impression that people bought them, played with them, changed their minds, traded up, and tried out new ones. Eventually, you give up or find the perfect setup for your physical situation or lifestyle.
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Let’s walk through the steps so you can find what best fits your requirements. But first, what are the advantages, and what are the challenges?
Here’s what you need to consider before you make any big decisions:
Have questions about creating your perfect windowsill herb garden or indoor hydroponic setup? Ask the experts at PHS!