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Growing a Greener Future: Will Mercado’s Journey with PHS LandCare

September 24, 2024

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By Melissa O’Brien 

At PHS, we believe in the power of community and the transformative impact of horticulture for all. In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, we are excited to share the story of Will Mercado, a community-driven entrepreneur, founder of Mercado’s Landscaping & Tree Service, and a long-standing partner of the PHS LandCare Program. Will has dedicated his life to enhancing urban green spaces and supporting his community, both locally and internationally. Read on to learn about his entrepreneurial journey, his involvement with PHS, and the positive impact he’s had on communities. 

Mercado's landscaping landcare
Mercado's Landscaping has been an integral part of PHS's efforts to clean and green vacant lots throughout the city.

From Mechanic to Mercado’s Landscaping 

Will Mercado's story is one of resilience, hard work, and an unwavering dedication to improve his family's future. He recollects: 

"I always wanted to be self-employed. Coming from a hardworking family, I initially worked as a mechanic. But with a family to support, I knew I needed to find a better job. A friend helped me land a job at a landscaping company, where I quickly learned the ropes and advanced to become a crane operator and crew leader." 

By 2006, Will decided to take a leap of faith. "I realized I was making good money for someone else, and thought, why not do it for myself?" He bought a small landscaping route from a college student, starting with 50 properties. Over the next two years, Will worked tirelessly to establish Mercado’s Landscaping & Tree Service, which officially launched in 2008. 

Starting with basic lawn care, Mercado's Landscaping soon expanded its services to include tree care and more complex landscaping projects. The company grew steadily, reaching 22 employees by 2020. However, the pandemic presented unforeseen challenges, leading to a difficult decision to reduce the team to approximately ten. Despite facing numerous challenges, Will's commitment to quality and community never wavered. He persevered through difficult times, maintaining a positive outlook in anticipation of future opportunities. 

chester ave garden 1
Mercado's Landscaping recently worked with PHS to upgrade the Chester Ave. Community Garden.

Building Stronger Communities with PHS LandCare 

Will's connection with PHS began in 2013, thanks to a chance reunion with an old friend, who introduced him to the PHS LandCare Program. Reflecting on this pivotal moment, Will shares: 

"My friend Frank reconnected with me after many years and saw that I was struggling to make ends meet with my landscaping business. He introduced me to Keith Green from PHS, and that's how I got involved with the LandCare Program." 

This chance encounter and PHS's belief in supporting local businesses, has led  Mercado's Landscaping to become an integral part of PHS's efforts to improve urban green spaces, including the recent Chester Avenue Community Garden renovation project in Southwest Philadelphia and ongoing vacant lot cleaning and greening work throughout the city. 

When Will first saw the garden on Chester Ave., it was in dire need of attention. "The garden beds were falling apart, the irrigation system was makeshift, and the whole area was a mess," he recalls. Despite these challenges, Will and his team took on the project with determination. "We leveled the ground, installed a proper irrigation system, and used premium materials to ensure the garden would last." 

The Chester Ave. project was made possible through the support of the Philadelphia Committee of the Garden Clubs of America’s Wabi Sabi Grant. This special grant enabled the transformation of the space into a lasting community resource.

Through projects like this, Mercado’s Landscaping has played a vital role in transforming Philadelphia’s urban spaces. “We clean up vacant lots filled with trash, grade the land, hydroseed, and install fencing,” Will explains. These efforts have brought new life to vacant lots and created healthier environments for residents. Will and his team are on the front lines, greening abandoned spaces and fostering a sense of pride and care in neighborhoods across the city. 

Will Mercado on a missionary trip
Will recently travelled to Nicaragua and Mexico to donate food and essentials to those in need.

Giving Back and Future Plans 

For Will, Hispanic Heritage Month aligns perfectly with his values of giving back and celebrating community. “It’s significant to me because it’s a time to reflect on my journey from Puerto Rico to becoming a business owner, and the importance of helping others along the way.” 

Inspired by his own experiences of poverty, Will actively participates in community service efforts in Central and South America. “I’ve been involved in distributing food and essentials in Nicaragua and Mexico recently. Giving back is central to who I am." 

Looking ahead, Will plans to continue his community service efforts and maintain his involvement with PHS projects. "I’m grateful for the support from PHS, especially Keith Green and the team. Together, we can achieve so much more." 

Will’s journey from humble beginnings to successful entrepreneur and community leader is an inspiration. Through his partnership with PHS, he has transformed urban landscapes and fostered pride in Philadelphia’s neighborhoods. His dedication to giving back and creating healthier, greener spaces highlights the power of community action and the lasting impact one person can make.

Join us in supporting the work of PHS and partners like Mercado’s Landscaping by becoming a Member today. Together, we can continue to enhance urban green spaces and improve community well-being.