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The Flower Show
September 21, 2024

Introduction to Home Herbalism

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Interested in learning more about using herbs at home? In this introduction to home herbalism, explore traditional uses of herbs and the many ways you can make and use herbal preparations at home. Participants will begin by harvesting herbs in the medicinal herb garden to make an herbal infusion. Then, you'll spend time in the workshop to learn about different herbal preparations to make and use at home.

About the Instructor

Lynn Roberts is a Clinical Herbalist, walking the line where traditional use of herbs meets modern science. Her practice is evidence-based while honoring the wisdom of all those who worked with plants before her. Lynn has been in private practice as a Clinical Herbalist and Ayurvedic Health Counselor since 2009, educating individuals and groups about using lifestyle, nutrition, and herbalism to find and maintain optimal health while playing matchmaker between people and plants. She is also a Nutritionist and Adapted Culinary Coach, helping those with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families with healthy meal planning, grocery shopping, and meal prep. Lynn stewards the herb gardens at the PHS Green Resource Center at Norristown Farm Park and offers various herbalism workshops.

Discounts available on a limited basis for those who cannot afford to pay full price to attend. For inquiries, contact the PHS Community Gardens Team.


September 21, 2024


10:00 am - 12:00 pm




PHS Green Resource Center at Norristown Farm Park
2500 Upper Farm Road
Norristown, PA 19403
Google Maps


Learn more about the Green Resource Center at Norristown Farm Park here.