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The Flower Show
September 25, 2024

2024 Chanticleer x PHS Gardening Series: Fall Garden Planning

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2024 Chanticleer x PHS Gardening Series 9.25 fall garden planting

Join us for a series of immersive gardening classes led by professional horticulturists, designed to enrich your gardening knowledge and inspire your green thumb! This collaborative effort between the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS) and Chanticleer brings together the expertise of both organizations to offer a diverse range of programs and activities throughout the gardening season. Please direct any inquiries about this series to Cristina Tessaro at [email protected].

Fall Garden Planning with Sam Keitch

Ensure your garden’s success by planning in the fall, the ideal time to edit, prepare, and plant for the coming season. During this class, PHS Horticulturist Sam Keitch will lead a walk through Philadelphia’s iconic Logan Square, where participants will have a chance to get their hands dirty and as they learn the steps necessary to create a healthy and vibrant border. Editing a garden border goes hand in hand with several fall practices, such as dividing, pruning, and planting. A general discussion on how to edit and critique our gardens as the season culminates will inform the sequential process of removals, perennial divisions, and transplanting. Garden beds will be observed in their entirety, and the class will evaluate what is successful and possible opportunities. Additional topics to be covered are perennial division, seed collection, and creating healthy compost. Participants will receive a plant list and plant divisions to take home.


September 25, 2024


5:30 pm - 7:00 pm



$5 off discount for PHS Members


PHS Logan Square
200 N. 19th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103


Click Here for more information about accessibility at Logan Square.