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Your gift to PHS will help bring nourishing, fresh produce to our neighbors in need.

Thank you for supporting PHS. Your gift will help mobilize thousands of community gardens and home gardeners to grow food for their neighbors and themselves.

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Gardens To Visit
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Visit a PHS garden or landscape to help build stronger social connections with your community.
For Neighborhoods
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Explore programs that create healthy, livable environments and increase access to fresh food.
For Gardeners
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Engage with PHS on gardening, whether you’re an expert or a beginner.
About Us
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The Flower Show
  • The 2025 PHS Philadelphia Flower Show is Now on Sale!

    March 1 - 9, 2025 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center

    Buy Tickets
  • Gardening for the Greater Good

    Our Story
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The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society uses horticulture to advance the health and well-being of the Greater Philadelphia region.

PHS uses horticulture to increase four building blocks of health and well-being: access to fresh food, healthy living environments, deep social connections, and economic opportunities. We are a diverse community of people and organizations who believe in the power of horticulture to make positive social and environmental change. PHS believes that gardening and horticulture belong to everyone.

  • "When I walk to work, I realize I know almost every tree. Year after year, there is more involvement from people defending the trees and caring for them. It went from something people were resisting to something that brings people together."

    Abdallah Tabet

    Leader of the Graduate Hospital West Tree Tenders

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  • Gene exhibiting plants at the 2022 Flower Show

    “I went to the Flower Show for years, admiring the entries and displays, then it dawned on me that I could bring my plants and have them judged in the competition. It brings me so much satisfaction knowing that I brought something to the Show that is appreciated, noticed, and gives excitement to those who see it.”

    Gene Tobia

    Flower Show Exhibitor

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  • “I’m motivated to stay involved with PHS because of the multifaceted ways that PHS engages with people in the city by bringing people together to find beauty through horticulture. I give to PHS because it’s my investment in the things I care about.”

    Julia Fisher

    PHS Member

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Have a question about a PHS class? Looking to identify a new plant in your garden? Visit AskPHS, our forum for your plant and gardening questions.