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The Flower Show

Celebrating 10 Years of the PHS Pop Up Garden at South Street

September 05, 2024

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By Melissa O’Brien 

As we mark the 10th anniversary of the PHS Pop Up Garden at South Street, it's a moment to reflect on a decade of transformation, innovation, and community connection. What began as a bold experiment to breathe new life into a once-vacant lot has blossomed into a beloved oasis in the heart of Philadelphia. This milestone is a testament to the vision, hard work, and passion of many individuals who have contributed to making the garden a vibrant and enduring part of the city’s landscape. 

The Beginning: Building the Vision 

In the early days, the PHS Pop Up Garden at South Street was a fledgling idea, brought to life by a team of dedicated individuals who believed in the power of green spaces to transform urban environments. Seth Pearsoll, current Creative Director and VP of the Philadelphia Flower Show, played a pivotal role in the design and construction of the garden recalls the challenges and excitement of those first years. 

“In the beginning, it was an all-hands-on-deck effort,” Seth shared, remembering how PHS President, Matt Rader passed by one day with his partner, Matthew, and decided to pitch in by getting his hands dirty planting annuals. “We were breaking new ground, quite literally. The first year, there was no shade — just crepe myrtles we planted by hand. It was a learning experience, but each year we got better and better at creating something truly special.” 

As Seth recounts, the early gardens were far from perfect. "We were learning as we went, trying to figure out what worked and what didn't. The first couple of years were spent building from scratch each time. But by the third year, we had a more cohesive design that felt like it was meant to stay in place." 

This period of trial and error laid the foundation for what the South Street Pop Up Garden would eventually become — a beloved and enduring urban oasis that continues to thrive a decade later. 

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When the garden first opened in 2014, it was very sunny and open, so the plants had to be resilient.

Plant Selection and Garden Design 

One of the garden’s most distinctive features is its lush, carefully curated plant life. Sam Keitch Design and Procurement Manager. has been involved in selecting plants for the garden since its inception, shared insights into how the garden’s flora has evolved over the years. 

“We’ve always aimed to create a space that feels both vibrant and serene,” Sam explained. “Over the years, we have experimented with different plant combinations to pull people in, and as the spaces changed so did the style. Originally it was very sunny and open, so the plants had to be resilient with the surging attendance. Slowly, as spaces became more defined, we would attempt to enhance the overall feeling of the site. We wanted people to stay and relax, to admire the bright and bold containers. It really has changed every single year, and that is a testament to our team’s creativity."

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Over the years, PHS has transformed the space into an urban oasis and beloved neighborhood hangout.

Operational Success and Growth 

Lisa Stephano, who previously oversaw the garden’s marketing and promotion when it first opened, reflected on the garden’s impact over the past decade. “The South Street garden was the culmination of everything we had learned from our earlier pop-up ventures,” Lisa said. “It was the first time we were able to build momentum and create lasting relationships with our guests.” 

Lisa also highlighted the garden’s role as a catalyst for community engagement and economic growth. “The garden has become a beloved hangout spot, a place where people can enjoy the outdoors while also giving back to the community,” she noted. “It’s also had a significant impact on the local economy, driving foot traffic and supporting nearby businesses.” 

Suzanne O’Brien, CEO of the Operating Partner, Royal Restaurant Group, has managed the garden since 2016. She shared her experience overseeing the transformation of the space year after year. “Watching PHS transform the space into an urban oasis has been one of the great joys of operating the Pop Up,” Suzanne said. “The beauty of the space has been a huge part of the draw, combined with the hard work of our hospitality team. It’s been incredibly rewarding to see the space become an anchor for the surrounding community.”  

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The striking Zelkova serrata 'Musashino' trees were originally donated from a Flower Show exhibit and are still visible in the garden today.

Special Contributions and Partnerships 

The garden’s success is also due in part to the contributions of partners like Tom Morris, whose company at the time, J. Downend Landscaping, donated the striking Zelkova serrata 'Musashino' trees that anchor the garden’s design. “Those trees were originally part of our display at the ‘ARTiculture’-themed Philadelphia Flower Show in 2014,” Tom recalled. “We painted them with green latex paint to highlight their structure, and you can still see traces of that paint on the bark of the trees today.” 

Tom’s involvement with the garden is just one example of the many partnerships that have helped the PHS Pop Up Garden at South Street flourish. These collaborations have not only enhanced the garden’s aesthetic appeal but also strengthened its ties to the broader community. 

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Celebrating the Garden’s Impact on the Community 

Over the past decade, the PHS Pop Up Garden at South Street has become a cherished part of the neighborhood, providing a welcoming space for people to gather, relax, and enjoy the beauty of nature. Visitors often speak of the sense of peace and connection they feel when they step into the garden, surrounded by lush greenery and the hum of conversation. 

To celebrate this special milestone, we’re hosting a free 10th-anniversary celebration at the PHS Pop Up Garden at South Street on Saturday, September 21 from 2 – 10 pm and Sunday, September 22 from 2 – 6 pm. There will be something for everyone to enjoy with live music, floral installations, cocktail samplings, and cake! 

As we look to the future, the PHS Pop Up Garden at South Street remains committed to its mission of bringing people together and creating green spaces that enhance the quality of life in our city. We invite everyone to join us in celebrating this incredible journey and to continue supporting the garden as it grows and evolves in the years to come. 

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