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Stormwater Solutions

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Interested in getting a rain barrel, rain garden, or downspout planter for your own yard or garden? Ready to help manage stormwater runoff at your home or other property? Start by participating in a one-hour Philadelphia Water Department (PWD) Rain Check educational workshop. Topics include the basics of stormwater management and its importance to our region, the Rain Check process, and PWD's Green City, Clean Waters program. At the workshop, we’ll also help you determine which stormwater tool is right for you.

PHS will then connect you with an installation firm from a network of preapproved subcontractors for one or more of the options below:

  • Rain barrels—FREE
  • Metal downspout planter, including soil and appropriate plants - $100
  • Rain gardens and permeable pavers - eligible for up to a $1500 contribution
Learn more about the stormwater tools available through PWD Rain Check.