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The Flower Show

PHS Shares Lineup of Fall Events at Manayunk and South Street Pop Up Gardens, Including Celebration of the 10 Year Anniversary of the South Street Pop Up Garden

September 20, 2024

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PHILADELPHIA, PA – The PHS Pop Up Gardens on South Street and in Manayunk are the perfect locations to transition into the Fall season with special events and activities, including the South Street’s 10-Year Anniversary party on September 21-22.  

Whatever your interests, the PHS Pop Up Gardens are the place to be this fall for fun events, delicious food and drink, and special celebrations. The South Street location will remain open through Halloween, and the Manayunk Pop Up Garden will be open through October 6, so be sure to visit these stunning gardens and take in all they have to offer this fall.  

To see the full calendar of events coming to the PHS Pop Up Gardens this Fall, please visit below.

South Street’s 10th Anniversary Celebration 
Visit South Street on September 21st from 2pm-10pm, and September 22nd from 2pm-6pm to experience these free, celebratory festivities and live music performances!  

South Street’s 10 Year Anniversary celebration will feature a lineup of live music performances by local Philadelphia bands, cocktail and food specials, and floral installations throughout the garden. Music will include 3 sets on Saturday and 2 sets on Sunday reflecting the sounds of Philadelphia, including artists such as: Seraiah Nicole, Treway & The Now Generation, Nico Bryant, Jonill, Craig Hamilton and friends, Chill Moody, and Julian King. 

Local floral designers will deck out the band’s stage and garden bar areas with elaborate, vibrant florals and botanical arrangements fitting for a celebration of the garden’s 10th birthday, and alcohol sponsors including St. Germain, Jacquins, Fernet, Holla, and Fever Tree will be offering cocktail specials like the St. Germain Hugo Spritz, Jacquin’s Espresso Martini, and Holla Harvest Punch.  

Plus, on Sunday, September 22nd, guests can enjoy a free slice of birthday cake made by famed bakery, New June. 

What was once a vacant lot has since flourished into an urban garden oasis, and cultivated tens of thousands of memories over its 10 years of business, contributing to PHS’s mission of using gardening to foster social connections. To learn more about the PHS Pop Up Garden at South Street’s transformation, visit below.

For Information on the celebration, please visit below.

Fall Drink Specials 
The PHS Pop Up Garden in Manayunk will serve a new lineup of fall drink specials to celebrate cozy season! Don a sweater and enjoy a Caramel Rum Hot Cider, Cinnamon Whiskey Cocoa, or a Hot Toddy, perfect as we transition into crisp, fall days. 

Fall Events at the PHS Pop Up Gardens 
Both the Manayunk and South Street will be hosting free Plant Swap events this fall, allowing participants to bring plants, tools, cuttings, and more, and trade for new plants, while swapping knowledge with fellow gardeners and plant lovers! Visit our website PHSPopUpGardens.com to find an upcoming Plant Swap event.  

For those looking to get crafty, the Manayunk Pop Up Garden will host a Paint Your Own Planter Workshop on September 14 – purchase your tickets today here and get ready to let your creativity run wild!  

The South Street Pop Up Garden will also hold a Propagation Workshop on September 24, perfect for anyone seeking some hands-on practice taking cuttings of various houseplants and looking for tips and tricks on how to transition a cutting from water to soil. Guests will go home with 4 new cuttings to turn their homes into the houseplant jungle they’ve been dreaming of! Tickets are available here.  

Manayunk’s event season will culminate with The Rocky Horror Picture Show on September 27, hosted by The Transducer Players and featuring Brittany Lynn as Frank N Furter. You won’t want to miss this seasonal favorite event to kick off your Halloween festivities! 

The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS), an internationally recognized nonprofit organization founded in 1827, uses horticulture to advance the health and well-being of the Greater Philadelphia Region. PHS programs create healthier living environments, increase access to fresh food, expand access to jobs and economic opportunity, and strengthen deeper social connections between people. PHS’s work spans 250 neighborhoods; an expansive network of public gardens and landscapes; year-round learning experiences; and the nation’s signature gardening event, the Philadelphia Flower Show. PHS provides everyone with opportunities to garden for the greater good as a participant, member, donor, or volunteer. For information and to support this impactful work, please visit PHSonline.org