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The Flower Show

Save Up to $50 and Receive a Special Gift!

The 2024 Flower Show entrance garden featuring bold, sculptural floral arrangements

Save up to $50 on our most popular membership levels. Plus, renew at the Advocate level or higher to receive a beautiful set of four postcards* featuring past Flower Show posters as our thank-you gift! But hurry – this offer ends October 15! 

Renew today and use promo code PERKS25 at checkout to claim your discount and gift. 

Contributing Member                                        

Contributing members receive: 

  • 10% discount on up to TWO (2) 2025 Member PHS Flower Show tickets (valid for one-time use during Members' Preview or public hours) 
  • Free Access to Know to Grow Monthly Webinars: Enjoy a full year of expert insights and valuable tips
  • Complimentary subscription to GROW, our award-winning publication 
  • Invitations to special Member-only programs and garden visits 
  • Participation in the Subaru VIP Program**, discount on your purchase or lease    
  • Discounts at garden centers, nurseries, and attractions. Learn more here.    
  • Member circulating privileges, including e-books, at the PHS McLean Library   
  • A generous contribution to PHS’s important work (your gift is 100% tax-deductible)  

Activist Member

Activist members receive additional benefits including:

  • TWO (2) Complimentary Member tickets to the 2025 PHS Flower Show (valid for one-time use during Members' Preview or public hours)   
  • 10% discount on up to FOUR (4) 2025 PHS Flower Show Member tickets (valid for a one-time use during Members' Preview or public hours)  
  • A generous contribution to PHS’s important work ($90 is not tax-deductible)  

Enter PERKS25 at checkout for discount.

Advocate Member

Advocate members receive additional benefits including: 

  • FOUR (4) Complimentary Member tickets to the 2025 PHS Flower Show (valid for one-time use during Members' Preview or public hours) and a beautiful set of four postcards featuring past Flower Show posters
  • 10% discount on up to FOUR (4) PHS Flower Show Member tickets (valid for a one-time use during Members' Preview or public hours)    
  • Early registration for our Member Appreciation Days    
  • Participation in the American Horticultural Society's Reciprocal Admissions Program    
  • A generous contribution to PHS’s important work ($190 is not tax-deductible)  

Enter PERKS25 at checkout for discount.

Champion Member

Champion members receive additional benefits including:  

  • FOUR (4) Complimentary Member tickets to the 2025 PHS Flower Show (valid for one-time use during Members' Preview or public hours)     
  • 10% discount on up to FOUR (4) 2025 PHS Flower Show Member tickets (valid for a one-time use during Members' Preview or public hours)   
  • "Behind the Scenes" Tour for TWO (2) at the 2025 PHS Philadelphia Flower Show     
  • Invitation to 1 exclusive 1827 Society event     
  • A generous contribution to PHS’s important work ($190 is not tax-deductible)  

Enter PERKS25 at checkout for discount.

*Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery of your special gift. Quantities are limited. 

**Contributing, Activist, and Advocate members (memberships less than $500) will be eligible to receive these benefits after six (6) months while Champion members or higher (memberships of $500 or more) will be eligible to receive these benefits after thirty (30) days.