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Turning Passion into Profession: Cervar's Journey Through PHS’s Workforce Development Program

August 27, 2024

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SW Trees Trainees from spring 2024

By Melissa O’Brien 

At PHS, we believe in the power of plants to transform lives, and our PHS Workforce Development programs are a testament to that belief. This initiative is designed to provide paid training and employment opportunities in horticulture and landscaping, particularly for those facing barriers to employment, including returning citizens. For Cervar Pearsall, a licensed massage therapist with a passion for nature, our program offered a path to a new career that blended his love for the outdoors with a deep desire to make a difference in his community. 

“Cervar is an example of the transformative potential PHS’s Workforce trainings can provide to individuals seeking career changes or planning a return to the workforce,” says KG Gormley, Workforce Development Director at PHS. “By offering a paid training opportunity, our participants can maintain their homes and family responsibilities, while making strides to improve their economic mobility and gain living-wage careers that give back to the Philadelphia region.” 

A Serendipitous Start 

Cervar’s journey into the world of horticulture began unexpectedly. “I’ve always admired those who care for the plants around office buildings downtown,” he says, recalling how he often wondered how one could land such a job. His curiosity, coupled with a personal interest in gardening, sparked a desire to explore a career in tree care. Fate intervened one day at a laundromat, where a flyer about PHS’s workforce development program caught his eye. “I saw that flyer and thought, ‘I’m doing it.’” 

SW Trees Trainees from spring 2024

Hands-On Learning and Growth 

Joining the Spring Southwest Trees cohort at Bartram’s Garden in February, Cervar dove headfirst into the program. His training focused on tree care, where he learned essential skills like pruning and managing tree health. “Understanding tree anatomy was a game-changer for me,” he says. “I thought I knew a lot because of my own garden, but the depth of knowledge I gained was incredible.” 

The program wasn’t just about classroom learning; it was a hands-on experience. Cervar and his cohort spent their days in the field, applying what they learned in real-world scenarios. In addition to the horticultural skills that participants are taught, they also earn industry-leading micro-credentials, such as OSHA-10 and the newly added Penn State Extension Tree Climbing training, that make them competitive candidates for a number of roles, post-graduation. This practical approach to education ensured that participants were not only learning but also mastering the skills they would need in their future careers. 

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A New Chapter with CLIP 

Today, Cervar is employed full-time with the City of Philadelphia’s Community Life Improvement Program (CLIP), a position he secured thanks to the training and support from PHS. His role involves working in vacant lots, transforming neglected spaces into green areas the community can be proud of. Whether it’s cutting overgrown grass or removing trash, Cervar takes pride in the work he does. “PHS prepared me well for this job, teaching me how to use the right tools and techniques,” he says. 

Cervar credits the PHS Workforce Development Team for their continued support during his job search. Even after the program ended, they stayed in touch, offering guidance and encouragement. “Their support made a huge difference,” he said. “They recommended CLIP to me and I’m glad I followed through.” 

Cervar Pearsall

Looking Ahead 

As Cervar settles into his new role, he’s already thinking about the future. While he plans to stay with CLIP for now, he envisions a day when he might start his own landscaping business, combining everything he’s learned from PHS with his natural talents. “I didn’t get into this to start a business, but now I’m thinking, why not?” he says. 

For those considering joining the program, Cervar offers this advice: “Take it seriously and make the most of it. It’s rare to find a program that pays you to learn. Be patient, communicate openly, and take advantage of every opportunity.” 

The Transformative Power of Education 

Cervar's journey is a testament to the transformative power of education and the opportunities it can unlock. As his story demonstrates, PHS's Workforce Development program is more than just training; it's a catalyst for personal and professional growth. Through PHS's Workforce Development program, he acquired new skills and discovered a fulfilling career that allows him to positively impact his community through gardening. 

There are so many opportunities to learn about gardening at PHS. Whether it’s learning a new field or trying gardening as a hobby, as you embark on your own educational journey, remember that PHS is here to support you every step of the way.  

Ready to transform your passion into a career? Explore our Workforce Development programs and start your journey with PHS today!