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The Flower Show
October 26, 2024

PHS Members' Appreciation Day

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Join us for a special day dedicated to celebrating our cherished PHS Members at the Academy of Natural Sciences! Enjoy a bulb giveaway, with varities curated by Jack DeVroomen, the "Tulip King," and an enlightening talk on bulbs by renowned Philadelphia-area gardener Charles Cresson.

Charles Cresson is an esteemed horticulturalist who has taught at Longwood Gardens and Chanticleer. He is sought out as a writer, designer, and consultant. He is sure to deliver an engaging and informative talk about bulbs, bulb care, designing with bulbs, and he will answer your questions at the end of his talk.

Enjoy socializing and exploring the Academy's exhibits before the 9:30 am talk, or after the talk explore the Academy and nearby PHS Public Gardens. Please note there is no re-entry to the Academy.

Become a PHS Member today to get access to free lectures and events year-round.


October 26, 2024


8:30 am - 10:30 am



*PHS Members


Academy of Natural Sciences
1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Philadelphia, PA 19103

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Learn more about the Academy of Natural Sciences accessibility here.