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The Flower Show
February 13, 2024

Native Pollinators of the Mid-Atlantic

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native pollinators of the mid atlantic hero

The term “Pollinator” has gained in popularity over the past few decades, reflecting our deepening understanding of ecosystems. However, many only associate this term with well-known pollinators like European honeybees and butterflies, overlooking the diverse nature of these essential contributors. Join presenter Samantha Nestory to learn about native pollinators and how we can support these incredible movers and shakers in our gardens and landscapes.

For Members 

This is a ticketed event, free to PHS members and $20 for the general public. Current members should log-in to their account to receive a complimentary admission. You can become a PHS member today by visiting the PHS membership sign up page.

Become a PHS Member today to get access to free lectures and events year-round.

About Samantha Nestory

Samantha Nestory, the engagement manager and naturalist at Stoneleigh: a natural garden in Villanova, drives educational initiatives, manages public events, and oversees the volunteer program. With almost four years as a horticulturist at Stoneleigh, Samantha's expertise extends to her roles at Sarver Ecological and the Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania. Passionate about native plants, ecological gardening, and insect conservation, she is dedicated to public education on these critical issues.


February 13, 2024


5:00 pm - 6:30 pm


Non-Members: $20
PHS Members: Free


Information will be provided upon registration on how to access the webinar.