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The Flower Show

Henry Reichner

Board Member

Hank Reichner is President and Chair of the Board of the Philadelphia Belt Line Railroad Company, a railroad serving the Port of Philadelphia. Prior to that, he was a partner in the global law firm of Reed Smith LLP, where he worked for 38 years handling trials and appeals for companies in the real estate, financial services, and life sciences industries.  

Hank previously served on the Society’s Council (2001-2007) and its Executive Committee (2004-2007). He formed the Society’s Audit Committee in 2001 and served as its chair until 2007. His other community involvement has included service on the boards of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Bartram’s Garden, the Philadelphia Society for the Preservation of Landmarks, and the Woodlands Cemetery Company and Trust for Historic Preservation. He currently is a hearing committee member for the Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. 

Hank received his BA from the University of Virginia (Magna Cum Laude/Phi Beta Kappa) and his JD from the University of Pennsylvania.